So today I got to get out of softball and the horrible B for a yearly physical...apparently things change when you turn 16. First, we had to wait for a while which was annoying, why do they tell you to come at a certain time and then make you wait a long time? Maybe someone changed all of their clocks (that would be a good prank...).
I never had to put on a gown which was nice except she then got to see my awesome Joe Boxer "Kerpow" boxers (S-I will show you sometime). So we sat and talked about iron and calcium blah blah and then she asked my mom to leave. My mom has asked me before if I ever want her to leave during the exam but I never care. So she left and I suppose this was my cue to fall to the floor on my knees and tell the doctor I am being abused.
She asked me more questions about classes and activities (her daughter went to the same high scool and knew mr. a - proof he is a fossil). She asked me the date of my last period which I don't know why people ever bother to ask me questions like that because anyone who knows me knows that I am too unorganized to have a watch that says the right time much less remember some detail like that. So I really wanted to say Jan. 33 which is totally stupid, obviously. So I kinda made up a date that is near the 33 but actually exists. The really sad part that had S peeing her pants during history while R was giving us the evil eye (everything happens during history, hmm...) is that before the appt, I knew she would ask so I got the answer but forgot by the time I got there. To be fair, I did have to remember through an entire school day after a long break.
Then she tells me I should do monthly breast exams...okay...then she starts talking about gynecological exams! (you know it would be just my luck to get a hot young dr). She did say I don't need one until I turn 18 or become sexually active, whichever happens first...let's take bets on that one. And she asked me if I smoke or drink, etc. which was weird because, I know there is all of that doctor-patient confidentiality, but I think if a minor is endangered you are supposed to do something. Anyway, she then asked me to look at all of the answers my mom wrote down to the questions on the form and tell her if they were true or not. At this point I kinda felt like I was in an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit where they beg and plead with the girl to tell them that her mom is a lying bitch and her stepfather's brother is pimping her or whatever. So that was a fun day, I also missed the first day of play practice, how lovely...and even though I told her last week I wouldn't be there, C didn't know...grr...
Then she made me do the duck walk, and I gave her a really weird look. You sit on air and then lean your chest to your knees and walk across the room. It is supposed to test a lot of your joints.
BTW, the Queen of England writes in her diary everyday just as Queen Victoria did so that one day her diary entries can become part of lovely.
Video of the Day. I think Ken should get the points, he is right.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Doc Appt
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Continuing with the theme...
To continue with random acts of kindness and making people happy, go here
Maybe this is why the British are so weird.
Friday, February 17, 2006
Random Acts of Kindness
So today it was really cold. I mean really cold with wind coming fast and bitter. Of course I wore my cute backless tan shoes so my feet were freezing. I had to go to the library to do research for that awful history paper and A was supposed to come but didn' i was there alone...anyway, my mom dropped me off but spent the whole time bitching about how i can't take the bus and don't know how to do anything. so i was early and had to stand out in the cold for 20 minutes with these kinda seedy looking guys making me increasingly pissed off at R. Then I went in and didn't have too much trouble with reasearch but it really wasn't great. So I called my mom and had to sit outside again in the cold again. I guess you could tell how pissed I was at R and PGH by my face and there was this guy who had baggy pants, chains hanging all around (reminded me of Coop on pants days), lots of rings, dyed hair, tattoos on hands, etc. He was on his cell talking about liver damage and standing halfway up the steps pretty close to me which i thought was a little weird. Then he said, "I gotta go, love you, mom" which I thought was cute but then he turned to talk to me. Okay, I will admit that I am a spoiled little princess with somewhat irrational prejudices who gets really weirded out when strangers, especially "different" ones talk to me. So he said "Quit looking so happy! You look like your puppy just died." So I laughed a little and he said, "He didn't, did he? Good, cause then that would make me look like an asshole. Smile a little, it's a nice day...sort of." Then he went inside and it did kinda make me smile even though I was still a little weirded out. Then, only about a minute later he came back out of the library, went over to a little sign and bent down and pretended to pick something up off the ground (I am not sure if he pretended or actually did but I am pretty sure he pretended). He came over to me and I started thinking, "shit, he's coming over. He's nice but I just don't do strangers." I was pretty mortified that he would sit next to me but instead he just came over and handed me something and said, "Here, I found this on the ground, you looked like you could use an angel." Then he left. He had given me a little silver-colored oval shaped thing about the size of a thumbprint (creative comparison, eh?) and on one side was an embossed angel and on the other was engraved the word "healing." I really am still not sure what to think. Part of me is like, he was nice, a little weird, but sweet. The other part, the part that watches too many scary movies and thinks about them too much, thinks this is out of something like the ring where the angel is the angel of death or whatever. But I tend to have a crazy imagination so I will just go with the random nice stranger. I have to admit, even an hour or so later I was still in a kinda "good" mood after that. After typing this out, it doens't seem that real. It seems like one of those feel good stories people tell to reassure and inspire.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Sex Goddess
Okay, Marcia Cross is the ultimate sex goddess. All through history S was staring at pictures of her and is now questioning her sexuality. S says forget Eminem and Orlando Bloom (her previous dream hubbies) and run away to Holland with marcia....(or me).
New blog replaces history paper
Here I am, starting a new blog instead of searching for a topic for the massive history paper.