Thirteen Pranks 1. Facebook Theme: Prank Day is a serious tradition at my school complete with a theme and specially made t-shirt. The theme for this year was Facebook. We made profiles for each teacher and our shirt had a profile for the entire class. We also made fingers to poke people. We incorporated a little of a James Bond theme because we are the class of 007. Front of the shirts:
There was a facebook profile for our class on the back.
Finger: In the entrance to the school we posted the ten commandments of facebook:
2. Outside: We used the traditional waterballoons and squirt guns to throw from the senior balcony onto people arriving in the morning. Except that we got carried away and dumped silly string and full buckets of water on people and ruined someone's laptop and ipod. We also had a group outside on the street to get people to honk. Fortunately (for us, not the administration), our school is on a very busy main street and there were lots of people going to work. Being an all girls school, we had boys come as is tradition. They were kicked out at 10:00. We also brought our dogs to school which was tons of fun. Yes, the administration got mad about that last sign.
We put many more of these "got tots?" signs outside the principal's office because, long story short, a few months ago one of the seniors was standing in the lunch line and ate her tater tots. The woman in charge of the cash register saw this and still charged her for the tots and the girl paid. The woman in charge of the cafeteria was watching and thought the girl didn't pay and ate the tots in line specifically so she wouldn't have to pay. Well, this snowballed into TONS of drama in which the disciplinary review board had to meet and there were all kinds of meetings and rivalries and gossip. It was crazy. I think they completely overreacted but I have many problems with our administration as it is...
3. Frosh Lounge: The Freshmen really annoy us. We've been having a battle with them all year and used this day as an opportunity to really stick it to them. Someone in our class printed out the "glamor" and "emo" self-taken photos that the freshmen are so stupidly proud of and posted them in their locker area. We also printed out their insanely stupid wall to walls in which they brag about being WASPS and talk about how rich they are and how great and sexy their self taken photos are. Yes, on her wall, a freshman actually wrote that
We also printed out many other things that I can't post here...
4. Sopho Lounge: The sophomores are our little sisters. (Juniors and Frosh are sister classes). We like our sisters much more than we like the juniors and freshmen so we gave them gifts and cute things. Our two classes inside the "locket"...awww
5. Junior Lounge: Many of the Juniors are somewhat annoying, and some of the Juniors are very annoying. There is one girl in particular that our entire class has a major bone (or seven) to pick with her. In short, she is very "active" for causes she "supports" but she could not find Darfur on a map to save her life. She is soooooo ditzy and only "supports" these causes so she can beef her resume. We once had a newspaper photographer come because one of our clubs was having an event and she came and threw herself all over the photographer to try and get her picture in the paper even though she is not even a member of the club. There are many issues with her. The class is also pretty..."inappropriate" in their behavior outside school... Activism girl drives to school and parks where you are NOT ALLOWED to park and it makes all of the seniors crazy and we almost have accidents every day because we can't see the cars coming. The above is from the real about me section of a junior's profile
6. Where's Amy?: This is one of our teachers who is very nice but was on maternity leave for part of this year and he kept getting sick so she would have to leave school to take him to the doctor and then she had to take a month off to take care of him (he's fine now). Basically, she was never around this year so we did a Where's Waldo? theme for her office and she liked it. I can't post pics of her office because they all have her name on the door and I don't feel like getting crafty with photoshop.
7. Jack: Our hilarious spanish teacher who just lends himself to jokes. We had no trouble coming up with ideas for his room. We used all of the jokes and quotes he has told us through the years. I'm not going to post pictures because then I would have to explain the jokes and that would make this very long (and you are already snoring). It was a really funny room, though.
8. Heaven & Hell: On the second floor, the Bio lab is right across the hall from a math room. We LOVE the bio teacher. She really is wonderful. So her AP Bio students did a "heaven" theme for her room that she loved... ...HOWEVER, I don't know the math teacher very well but her students say she is horrible and mean and the devil. SO...they did a "hell" theme for her room across the hall. They went WAY overboard and this caused lots of problems that you can read about below.
9. Shrines: Our anthropology teacher is an awesome archaeologist who travels about the world on digs. She has tons of amazing stories and is a great story teller. Basically, anthro class is one big laugh fest every day. We put shrines in her room and tons of quotes from her that, when taken out of the context of the story, can become, well, see below:
Highlights from her profile: Activities: traveling to the most remote places on earth, flint-knapping Interests: putting [her husband] in harm's way. (seriously, this guy has followed her to the ends of the earth and even fell down a Mayan pyramid) favorite music: the sound of my rain-stick about me: I'm a shaman. I make the rain come. I plan to take over the world with my husband at my side, but if he needs to be sacrificed...well, eh. favorite quotes: "I don't mean to seduce people, it just happens." "So you see, girls, there's no telling what that tarantula would have done to me had I not been extremely drunk." "Be careful out there, it's one big orgy" "There's nothing anthropologically wrong with incest. If you have good genes and if your father has good genes, there's no reason you can't have a child with your father. The reason we don't do it is that it would cause cultural chaos. I mean, how do you think your mother would feel?" "Incest was great for Egyptian pharaohs. If you're a god, you wanna keep those genes in the family." "Let's make that the theme of this class: men are bad." (remember, all girls school) That is just the tip of the iceberg...this woman is hilarious
10. Cleavage: Our Government teacher is quite an entertaining and awkward man. We make fun of him a lot and he returns the favor. One day, before learning about the cleavages in government, he said, "I hate that your book uses the word cleavage 'cause that makes me thing of Victoria's Secret catalogues. Tell me that wasn't what you were thinking when you read that." So we made his room cleavage themed. He thought it was funny even though the teacher who is supposed to check all of our plans beforehand to make sure they are appropriate started flipping out about sexual harassment. We moved all of the desks and chairs to make a fort because he is also the U.S. History teacher. His classes all had to sit on the floor and take notes and he said they didn't pay attention because they were all shopping for bathing suits with the pages on the floor. He thought the day was great but did say he was sorry he ever said the word cleavage in class.
11. Lunch and Moon Bounce: We had abundant food that we actually were still munching on during school today (thursday). We also rented a moon bounce that was uber fun.
Above: Winston hanging out on the 3rd floor. Below: Toby at assembly
12. Pac-Man: This was my favorite part. Two boys played life-size pac-man in the morning during school. It was hilarious. Especially when they ran across the stage and through the auditorium during assembly while the principal was talking. (she thought it was funny)
13. Trouble: Well, we got into some trouble. Big trouble, actually. As our principle said, "Girls, this wasn't over the line. You jumped over the line and ran past it." First, there were a lot of little things. We put vasaline on the railings and apparently you aren't allowed to do that. Then, we had the "honk if you're horny" sign. Then we dumped water on someone AFTER being told not to use buckets and her laptop and ipod were ruined (i think, maybe they were salvaged). Then, we broke the huge rule of no personal attacks. We are allowed to post pictures of people (for example, freshmen) being stupid but are not allowed to single people out because that is mean. Well, we singled out too many freshmen and did make some personal attacks against individual girls. They were even more angry about what we did to the juniors and activism girl (she was upset). We also have a teacher who is running for public office and some people in our class sorta stole signs from his opponent off people's lawns the night before. (I thought that was really stupid). He got VERY angry because that could totally screw up his campaign. We made profiles for every teacher and apparently some were really harsh and one teacher cried when she read hers and canceled class. The worst was the Hell themed room. The teacher is really not liked at all and her students went to town on her room to let her know they hate her. You can see all the work that went into the room by the pictures. They even unscrewed all of the bulbs from the lights to make the room dark. They also made some very harsh signs to put in her room that go into very bad territory including things about her unborn baby (she's pregnant). Basically, she saw the room when she got to school, cried, and went home before school started. She did not come to school today (thursday) either. First period, all of the seniors were pulled out of our classes and we had a meeting with the principal and the 11/12 dean in the auditorium. They were VERY mad. The dean started crying. We ended up canceling some of our pizza orders for lunch and sending the teacher flowers and writing a note that came out a little impersonal. The meeting was supposed to be serious but it was hard to concentrate since all of the dogs were panting and sneezing very loudly and then one started wheezing and the principal asked who's dog was dying. We also lost our senior privileges which are coming in late if you have a 1st period free and leaving early if you have a last period free. We'll see what happens tomorrow. A bunch of other stuff happened that I don't feel like going into. You can imagine the drama and fallout that happened today. Being a small school, everyone gossips and wants to know everything. We did many other things and decorated more rooms but this is already way over 13. I'm sorry this became so incredibly long. The doors to our lounge: