Sunday, August 27, 2006

Musings to avoid summer reading and that blue sheet

You know you’re a Washington, D.C. intern when…

You look at a Dear Colleague with 20 or more signatures in awe
You have become disillusioned with parts of the legislative process
You “guess” what mail is important
You are amazed at how friendly everyone in DC is
You are ready to change planets at a moment’s notice
Riding the subway between government buildings is still fun
You still read all the names of representatives on the plaques outside their offices
Tourists, school groups, and ice cream annoy you
Some days, all you do is play sudoku
You are thankful your office has subscriptions to most major magazines
You live for Heard on the Hill
You and your colleagues are “running the world”
You think your official ID badge is the bomb
You religiously stick to the routes between buildings that you learned first
You are impressed by the amount of helpful signs
You really hope the mail has been screened well for anthrax
You are continuously making sure you know whether it is morning, afternoon, or evening so you don’t screw up on the phones
You can see how easliy egos are inflated
Your boss’s office is still a scary place
Your boss isn’t your “real boss”
You stood outside Senator Clinton’s office and worshipped her doors
You go to briefings for the free lunch
Being on C-Span still amazes you
Crazy constituents lighten your day
Getting to refill the water pitchers in the hearing rooms might be the highlight of your day
You think the person you work for is the coolest representative and you are totally excited about your office’s issues
You have forgotten how hard it is to check your party hat at the door
Your office is flooded with coca cola products
Stacks of newspaper clippings have suddenly become fascinating to you
You can give others directions…sorta
RSOB and C-204 are the bomb
You think you can exit RHOB on one side and “quickly” walk around to the other side
RHOB has a courtyard?
Security guards have become your best friends
You swear Dirksen and Hart are the same building
When sorting mail, you still have to check the issues assignment sheet in your office
You feel sorry for the staffers in the district office

You know you’re a WW intern when…

You’re dying for anyone to win the World Cup as long as they’re not French
You are thinking about calling Matt’s girlfriend
A half naked French guy asked you about your grandmother’s funeral while you were watching birth videos
A man in his underwear is not always appealing
You were almost arrested in the subway
You do not get along with DC police or taxi drivers
Who reserves part of the curb?
You beep every time you go through the metal detectors
You are still bitter about the congressional baseball game for several reasons…
Where do you sign up for the softball teams?
You don’t believe in dominant genes anymore because you swear Brigid’s sisters are not half asian
Going to Ballston (and getting a pedicure) is considered a night out on the town
You “know” what the next few presidential tickets will be, all the way up to Hurn-Maloney-Kennedy
You’re going to watch Wedding Crashers dammit!
Even though you are a liberal, you say freedom fries
Preppy pink hats are the shit
Photos with your congressperson are NOT emailed!

You know you’re a high school intern when…

You find yourself constantly explaining that you’re majoring in “high school”
Everyone keeps telling you how lucky you are
You are the lowest of the low and no one really cares about you but you are loving every minute of it
You’re not sure if you should friend your coworkers on facebook or not

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