Why are they so unorganized? You would think coming recommended by University and having a branch right down the street from University would make things easy, but no. When I signed up, they asked if I wanted to have a "themed" debit card. I had a choice of about 50 cards with images of trees or kitties or sports teams on them. Frankly, they were all ugly. I said no thanks and they said fine, here's the standard. Standard arrived in the mail and, after some textbook buying drama, was used for a month and worked fine. Then, they send me another card. What?! And not just a standard card, a sports themed one. I tried calling to find out why the hell I have two debit cards and got all tangled up in "If you have a customer service question, press 1. If you want to sign up for one of our special-but-it's-a-rip-off programs, press 2. If you want more options, press 3. If you think my voice is creepy, press 4. If you want to change your theme from ugly sports team to ugly dinosaurs press 5. If you don't give a shit about card themes and just want to know why the hell your bank is incompetent, press go to hell. Please hold."
So I hung up and threw the card in a drawer. I know, not the best choice but I'm new at this. Everything was fine for another month because I didn't use my card, I had too much cash left over from the summer and that covered my meager student expenses. Well, floormate and I go to BadBank's ATM down the street (because it is just a little bit closer than the branch of BadBank). And the card. doesn't. work. What?! Fine, go back to University and try to log-in to online banking using normal card to be told no by the website. Fine, rip that damn ugly sports team card out of the drawer. Try to log on again using ugly card number. Works, account is happy and fine. Call the number on ugly card to activate. Activated, put normal card into drawer and ugly card into wallet. Too late to go back to ATM (kinda sketch area at night).
You would think the debit card drama would be over. But no, I got my bank statement in the mail today. Even though their website keeps bragging to me that I am "going paperless." So why I still receive two statements a month probably has to do with whatever they did that caused above drama. One statement is normal and fine, exactly what it says online. Phew. Second statement, not so much. I signed up for some program that sounded very nice when I started, it is basically to help you save money. They transfer the extra change from your checking account to your savings account. You only make about $1.81 a month but whatever. Well, this statement has that $1.81 added and then says -$20.00 maintenance fee. Again, What?! Why would I be in a program where I am paying $20.00 a month for "maintenance" while only making $1.81?! So today, I am going to schlepp down to BadBank branch and find out what the hell is going on with this account.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
I hate my bank
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A few quizzes to procrastinate away the afternoon:
Awww, how perfect:
You Are Boston |
Both modern and old school, you never forget your roots. Well educated and a little snobby, you demand the best. And quite frankly, you think you are the best. Famous people from the Boston area: Conan O'Brien, Ben Affleck, New Kids on the Block |
Maybe for Grad School:
You Belong in London |
A little old fashioned, and a little modern. A little traditional, and a little bit punk rock. A unique soul like you needs a city that offers everything. No wonder you and London will get along so well. |
What a shock:
You Are 0% Redneck |
I'll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style. You ain't no redneck - you're all Yankee! |
It's that time again...
Your Halloween Costume Should Be |
Umm....no thanks. Anyway, I've known for several YEARS what I am going to be for this particular Halloween.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Ummmm, so yeah. About not posting since June......well, I don't have a very good excuse except that I was with only questionable internet access the entire summer and then got busy with travel and relocation. I've started many journals in my life and never had the discipline to maintain any of them. But I'm trying really hard this time...or at least I'm trying. I will resume TT this week (en shallah). I will also (hopefully) post pictures from my amazing trip to China!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
This Week!
I am graduating this week! The last week of school is always the best because we usually only have half days and it is all recognition ceremonies and picnics. Unfortunately, the week is dampened a bit by the 10 PAGE PAPER I have to write for my senior project. I also have to do a powerpoint presentation. I have had 2 weeks to do this. How much do you think I have done? Hint: look at the title of the blog. NONE. That's right, it is Sunday and I have not started either. But I'm not worried. This year, I became a pro at writing papers the night before/day they were due. I wrote my English Thesis and Final Paper for Anthropology the same Sunday night/Monday morning...and I got decent grades. The senior project isn't even graded so of course it is going to be a lot of BS to fill the 10 pages and of course I haven't started. Please. It should be an interesting paper, though. It is on microlending and my recent trip to Guatemala (see two posts down). I will probably bite the bullet and make myself start working on it sometime today.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #5
T-minus 7 days and counting! Only one week left until graduation. I have my dress (we are required to wear white), I have new shoes, a hair and pedi appointment, a mountain of party invitations, and today I received my first congratulatory card. My grandmother will be flying in next week and, due to a change in schedule, my brother will be able to be here. After four years, I am definitely ready and glad to be leaving this school. I tried to come up with a list of what I will miss but 13 is a lot and I couldn't do it so here are 13 things I am doing this summer.
1. Graduating
2. Going to China with my friend who was born there
3. Burning my uniform and books...well, maybe not burning them
4. Sleeping
5. Visiting lots of family like every summer
6. Seeing my dog who now lives with my grandmother
7. Packing up my life
8. Buying a laptop
9. Practicing violin (ha!)
10. Saying goodbye (maybe forever?) to friends
11. Moving a few states away
12. Flying the coop...
13. ...and going to college!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #4
Some things from my recent trip to Guatemala. Enjoy!
1. Traveled with a group called Friendship Bridge (Puente de Amistad) that gives microloans to poor women to start their own businesses to help their families. www.friendshipbridge.org
2. Brushed my teeth in the street!
3. Stayed in the very beautiful and very colorful Antigua.
4. Crossed the breathtaking Lake Atitlan
5. Drove part of the Pan-American Highway
6. Bought local crafts
7. Took local transportation
8. Saw "temporary" camps for people displaced due to a hurricane induced mudslide. They have been living in these camps for 2 years now.
9.Met with groups of women in the program
10. Made home visits to see the improvement in the quality of life the program provides...and gave gifts to their children
11. Got burned! The burn on my arm then turned into a lovely trucker's tan.
12. Played Mad-Libs in Spanish (that is hard to do!)
13. Heard these women's stories and realized microlending is how we are going to end poverty!
...and we did much more!
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #3
Senior Prank Day for the Class of 2007 was on Wednesday, April 25. We stayed after school the day before until 7pm and some people came to school at 6:30 the next morning! (I didn't). Here are some of the things we did: