Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #5

T-minus 7 days and counting! Only one week left until graduation. I have my dress (we are required to wear white), I have new shoes, a hair and pedi appointment, a mountain of party invitations, and today I received my first congratulatory card. My grandmother will be flying in next week and, due to a change in schedule, my brother will be able to be here. After four years, I am definitely ready and glad to be leaving this school. I tried to come up with a list of what I will miss but 13 is a lot and I couldn't do it so here are 13 things I am doing this summer.

1. Graduating

2. Going to China with my friend who was born there

3. Burning my uniform and books...well, maybe not burning them

4. Sleeping

5. Visiting lots of family like every summer

6. Seeing my dog who now lives with my grandmother

7. Packing up my life

8. Buying a laptop

9. Practicing violin (ha!)

10. Saying goodbye (maybe forever?) to friends

11. Moving a few states away

12. Flying the coop...

13. ...and going to college!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #4

Some things from my recent trip to Guatemala. Enjoy!

Thirteen Things I did in Guatemala

1. Traveled with a group called Friendship Bridge (Puente de Amistad) that gives microloans to poor women to start their own businesses to help their families.

2. Brushed my teeth in the street!
3. Stayed in the very beautiful and very colorful Antigua.

4. Crossed the breathtaking Lake Atitlan

5. Drove part of the Pan-American Highway

6. Bought local crafts

7. Took local transportation

8. Saw "temporary" camps for people displaced due to a hurricane induced mudslide. They have been living in these camps for 2 years now.

9.Met with groups of women in the program

10. Made home visits to see the improvement in the quality of life the program provides...and gave gifts to their children

11. Got burned! The burn on my arm then turned into a lovely trucker's tan.

12. Played Mad-Libs in Spanish (that is hard to do!)

13. Heard these women's stories and realized microlending is how we are going to end poverty!
...and we did much more!
One of my favorites: 16-year-old Juana. She is such a brave entrepreneur.
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